Clients Testimonials
"Malaysia Residency is really reliable. Everything was done on time and the whole family is settled well. We were concerned about other issues like schooling and living which were also promptly handled by Kelly. She is the only person I trusted in Malaysia and she proved herself loyal. Malaysia Residency is efficient, loyal, dedicated and most of all friendly and helpful. It was a very pleasant dealing with them. I love Malaysia and never want to travel anywhere. This is paradise on earth. Thank you for helping us"

Saba Siddiqui & NabeelahPakistan
I contacted Malaysia Residency in 2013, to attain my families MM2H approval and could not have been happier with their service. Both Kelly and Kerk, were fantastic, guiding me through the process with a wealth of experience. The process was easy and efficient, a really "Turn key" package. Thanks to Malaysia Residency, we are now enjoying our life in Malaysia and all it has to offer.
Thank you for making our new life possible!

Mari & Oliver WalkerUnited Kingdom
更了解到马来西亚房价世界排名第99位,租金却是第9位,相对于新加坡高昂的开销,马来西亚不仅地理位置优越,还有众多优惠的政策,“马来西亚第二家园计划”(MM2H)以其较低的门槛、较简易的程序和较优惠的待遇吸引了大批国外人士到马来西亚置业定居、购房投资。 回国了,还是念念不忘这一段历程,于是写下这段文字,以表示对福国公司及Kelly女士专业、热情、细致的服务精神表示敬佩!同时,也借此文字表达对他们由衷的感激!

厉燕敏 & 袁为民中国
I had the experience of dealing with Malaysia Residency and they were characterized by efficiency and proficiency.

Turki AldakhilSaudi Arabia
The whole Malaysian residency application process would not have been the same without the impeccable help of Attractive Pathway. Everything was executed with professionalism and finesse, there were no unnecessary hurdles, everything worked like a well synchronised machine, and the process was carried out in a very short time with Kelly at our side every step of the way.
Our advice to all of you who want to become members of Malaysia My Second Home programme - do not miss this opportunity, get to Malaysia, meet Thomas and Kelly, open your heart and mind and let the friendship and the warmth of a Malaysian welcome help you become proud Second Home Malaysians.

Marina & Mark HamptonBulgaria & United Kingdom
Наша семья воспользовалась услугами компании Attractive Pathway (MM2H) Sdn Bhd как агента для оформления вида на жительство в Малайзии по программе «Малайзия мой второй дом». Мы обратились к ним по рекомендации наших друзей, которые переехали в Малайзию ранее.Остались очень приятные впечатления от общения с сотрудниками компании, в частности с менеджером, который занимался нами- Kelly Foo. Все было выполнено профессионально, в срок и в соответствии с договоренностями.По прибытию в Малайзию с помощью Kelly были решены многие вопросы: начиная от помощи в выборе банка для размещения депозита, получения местного водительского удостоверения, помощи в оформлении документов для беспошлинной покупки автомобиля, заканчивая продлением визы для наших родственников. Рекомендуем данную компанию, как высококвалифицированного, компетентного и профессионального иммиграционного агента.

Dmitry Ignatovich & Nadezda Russia
Without your services, it would have been difficult, if not impossible, for us to have obtained the MM2H visa.

Fukunaga Roiko & Alec WeilJapan & USA